The Laboratory of Vision Engineering (LoVE) specialises in the capture, transmission, processing and understanding of image, video and other high-dimensional data. Nine academic staff members are aligned with the group. The group focuses on several application areas, including healthcare, scientific, security, environmental and behavioural monitoring; as well as developing novel processing algorithms and designing/supplying new imagers and systems.
LoVE possesses a unique capability within the UK research landscape, namely the expertise and resources to develop new imaging modalities and systems from sensor design and provision to medical image analysis and understanding to assist with the full clinical workflow, including diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and personal long-term healthcare management, also outside of the biomedical domain. It collaborates with major hospitals across the NHS and abroad, as well as leading national and commercial research facilities and industries.
The vision of LoVE is to become an internationally recognised centre for medical imaging analysis (optimising proton therapy, computer-aided detection/segmentation, personalised medicine), and computer vision research (environmental monitoring, behaviour analysis, phenotyping, and agri-food). LoVE also has the University’s first spin-out company, Agaricus Robotics; a robotic harvesting service provider to the mushroom industry.
We coordinate /participate in a large number of collaborative research projects, funded by UKRI, Wellcome Trust, NC3Rs, CRUK, Flight for Sight, EU FP7 and Horizon 2020. Please visit our funded projects to find out more about our research.